Bigger House Cats: Exploring the Top 10 Large Domestic Cat Breeds
Table Of Content Turkish Van More articles we think you'll enjoy Weight range: up to 25 lbs The 10 Largest Domestic Cat Breeds Maine coon #6: Savannah #4 Ragdoll Their moderate leg length further enhances their ability to move with grace and speed. One interesting trait of Maine Coons is their affinity for water. Unlike most cats, they are not afraid to get wet and are often seen playing with water or even joining their owners in the shower. This behavior has earned them the reputation of being the “dog of the cat world” due to their unique fondness for water. The Maine Coon is not only large but also one of the oldest natural North American cats. Turkish Van Another family-friendly option is the Norwegian forest cat. This particular breed is known for being healthy, strong, and affectionate. They are, however, prone to kidney problems and require regular grooming. Hailing from Siberia, this breed was first referenced all the way back in 1000 A.D., according to TICA. Powerf...